Head, Neck & Facial Pain

The Relationship Between Muscle
Pain & Bite Imbalance

Head, neck and facial pain are so common that most people accept the pain is an inevitable part of life and not really curable. In fact, studies show that over 80% of people get headaches and as many as 60 – 70% of people get severe headaches like migraines.

Most headache specialists agree that muscles are the trigger for most headaches. Unfortunately, the only solution presented to most patients are drugs that temporarily mask the pain and often have undesirable side effects.

Most chiropractors and physical therapists also agree that muscles are the trigger. But while their treatments might help for a little while, the pain returns because the trigger for the muscle hyperactivity is an uneven bite.

Key Fact: Most studies show that over 68% of ALL head,
neck or facial pain is due to muscles and most muscle
pain is due to bite imbalance.

If you have any head, neck or facial pain that won’t go away then taking the time to get your bite checked by Dr. Simon could make a world of difference. If an uneven bite is proven to be the source of your pain then he can help properly balance your bite.

Stop Headaches Now!

Get a free chapter from

Dr. Simon’s best-selling book

on diagnosing and stopping head, neck and facial pain.

The Challenge Of Diagnosing The Problem

The Best Bite Discluder

Unlike other diseases, there are no medical tests for diagnosing these problems. Doctors have only the patient’s symptoms to make the diagnosis. In fact, headaches and TMJ are often referred to as Medicine’s Great Imposter because they are so hard to diagnose and treat.

One of the biggest challenges is correct diagnosis.That’s why Dr. Simon invented and patented, the FDA accepted Best-Bite Discluder and uses a Four Step Diagnostic Process to determine if your bite is related to your pain BEFORE recommending any treatment.

See The Best-bite Discluder In Action

Real People Find Out If Their Bite Is To Blame For the Pain